Doing their part to preserve the tinsmithing tradition of Oaxaca, Mexican artisans Aida and Cristino Lavariega present this repoussé-style tin wall mirror crafted by hand. Flaming hearts are common subjects for handicrafts produced by Oaxacan artisans. Referred to as milagros, or 'miracles,' these images crafted in various materials were often left as offerings for a particular saint as a testament that a certain prayed-for miracle had taken place. Embellished with small blossoms, the heart-shaped frame houses a mirror surrounded by a thin red border and topped with vivid red flames.
- Tin, glass
- 0.10 lbs
- Frame: 7.8 inches H x 5.5 inches W x 0.2 inches D
- Mirror: 3.1 inches W x 3.1 inches H