Dinesh designs glistening ornaments inspired by India's Mughal era. The ornaments recall the kalgi worn by Maharajas on the front of their turbans. In shades of rose and brown, the three hand-crafted ornaments feature golden, silver and copper zardozi embroidery with glistening accents and faux pearls. Backed with velvet, the ornaments hang from pink and silver loops and arrive in a handsome pouch.
- 50% cotton, 50% polyester with rayon trim and plastic beads. Polyester ribbons
- 1.01 oz
- Each: 5.5 inches H x 2.4 inches W x 0.6 inches D
- Ribbon: 3.9 inches L x 0.1 inches W
- Pouch: 9 inches L x 6 inches W